Welcome to
The Monarch League is an organization operating
in South-Western Ontario, first organized as a
non-incorporated body in 1941, under the name of
the Hamilton Sporting Rifle League (H.S.R.L.).
In 1942 the Niagara District Sporting Rifle League
(N.D.S.R.L.) was formed. The two leagues amalgamated
in 1962 to form the Monarch Rifle Association (M.R.A.).
Our goal is to promote and organize competition between
teams of rifle sharpshooters from different clubs on a
local level.
We are active from late October to early April.
All matches are conducted on an indoor rifle range with .22
caliber, single shot target rifles.
One group from one club will travel to the opponents range
to compete.
The schedule is arranged so that each club will
have two home matches and two away matches with each opposing team.
The team is composed of the top five scorers from each club.
The winner is the team with the highest total score.
Bullseyes (or X's) are also totaled and are used as a tie breaker.
The paper targets are placed at a distance of 20 yards from the
shooters on the firing line. Each shooter fires 20 bullets at the 20 small black circles on the target.
At the end of the time limit, the targets are removed for scoring and
the next group lines up to shoot their 20 shots.
A perfect score is 200 points with 20 X's. That's 20 deadcenter hits
from 60 feet away with the naked eye. Not easy to accomplish and
perfect scores are very rare.
Awards are presented at the end of the season to the Top Team and to the
individual with the highest average score.
We also sponsor a Postal competition where shooters can complete a 100 shot prone
match or a 120 shot 3 position match and mail the targets to a committee for scoring.
We have a Championship match at the seasons end so that members from all
the clubs can compete in one location.